Our Sunday Worship


What to Expect on Sunday

The first visit to a church can be intimidating for some people so we offer you some information on what to wear and what to expect when you visit us.

What To Wear

While most of us wear our best casual clothes for Church, others of us dress more formally while others dress very casually. Come as you feel most comfortable.

What To Expect In Our Worship

When you arrive at the church, a member of the parish will greet you and offer you a service bulletin. You can sit wherever you feel comfortable.

Our service bulletin will contain the order of our worship, the readings you will hear, the prayers you will say and references to the hymns you will sing. Hymn numbers are listed on the hymn boards on the wall and in the bulletin.

Holy Communion

Our usual Sunday worship includes readings, prayers, a sermon and Holy Communion. All baptized persons are invited to share in the Sacrament of Holy Communion regardless of age or domination. We offer consecrated hosts (gluten free hosts are available) and consecrated wine.

We believe that Christ is present in the Bread and Wine and our members understand how Christ is present in a variety of ways.

Our Choir

Our choir leads the singing during our liturgy as well as sings an anthem before the collection. Many of the members of the choir also sing in other groups while others have sung in Church choirs throughout their lives. The choir invites new members to join them. The choir takes a break during the Summer Months.

Coffee Hour

After our service, we gather in our Parish Hall for a Coffee Hour. We invite you to find a place where we can share some time together and get to know each other.